4 Signs You Need an AC Repair in Cordele, GA, ASAP

Need AC Repair

Your air conditioner can run well into the fall season. It’s important to maintain it on a routine basis to avoid problems. Here are four things to look for that will indicate your AC system in Cordele, GA, needs an immediate repair.

Blowing Warm Air

One of the most obvious signs that your AC system needs a repair is when warm air is coming from your registers. The air should be a cool, steady stream. The compressor could be faulty, or the refrigerant line might be blocked.

Compressor Fan Not Working

A fan in your outdoor compressor spins to transfer warm air to the outside. If that fan isn’t spinning, the compressor will overheat and eventually cause significant damage to the AC system. One of our technicians will need to repair or replace the fan motor.

Loud Noises

Your air conditioner should run smoothly with a slight humming sound. If you’re hearing banging, clanging or screeching, the AC system needs professional maintenance to identify loose connections or broken parts. If left unattended, this condition will lead to further damage and the need for AC repairs.

Sudden Increase in Cooling Bills

If you notice a big rise in your cooling bills without notification of a rate hike or extra air conditioning use, this indicates that the equipment isn’t running efficiently. You’ll need to have the thermostat looked at, the ductwork inspected for leaks and the age of the air conditioner checked. We can help you repair your air conditioner promptly.

We need our AC systems running optimally in Cordele, GA, for a good part of the year. When your air conditioner is showing any of these signs, give Walker Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning a call. We’ll diagnose the problem and make the recommended AC repair necessary to restore your system’s efficacy.

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